小o問我有沒有沖茶來喝....我對花茶沒有"癮"所以沒有試沖,但卻忍不住找些資料來看,原來"Cornflowers are often used as an ingredient in some tea blends and herbal teas, and is famous in the Lady Grey blend of Twinings. "
然後找到這個:"The cornflower gets its formal name from a minor goddess, Cyanus, and its genus name from a mythical Centaur (from the Greek Centaurea), whose name was Chiron. Chiron was a renowned herbalist in Greek mythology, and is credited with teaching mankind about the healing power of herbs."
而我選擇矢車菊,是因為早前在彩油諮詢師通訊裡,副校長clauda booth寫了一篇文章介紹它的藍....讓我記住了這個名字,當上月訂香薰油回港時,發現它大特價,所以訂回來試試浸泡一下~
3 則留言:
haha..it is related to Chiron...that's y it is so attract u la.
這個藍紫色的花, 真的好靚啊~~ :)