
關於貝殼精華Shell Essence "pipi"


This is a remedy for seeing the perfection of self within an imperfect form or relationship. It allows people to move onto new situations, without carrying into them old injustices. Pipi is excellent for past life healing and broken chakras.

Pipi can soften the grief children feel at the loss of a parent when marriages fail .

Pipi also increases positive clairvoyant ability, particularly visual clairvoyance; it helps us to see the bigger picture, the ‘wholeness’ of a situation.

When we perceive ourselves as incomplete; missing something; and particularly if we continually focus on the part we believe to be missing or imperfect, the essence of this beautiful and compassionate shell teaches us that we are indeed perfect. Pipi allows us to see only wholeness and perfection – and our life can then renew.

‘No More Grief’ helps us cope with the pain of grief and loss.

It helps us realise that although something in our life has changed we are still OK. New opportunities will present themselves; new people will come into our life.

‘No More Grief’ assists us to accept when loved ones and also loved pets move on; it helps us remember that life is eternal and even though we perceive something to be broken, it is still whole.

This essence allows us cope with perceived loss – of income, job, possessions or health. It reminds us that change is inevitable but nothing of value is ever lost.
