


月頭,慣列上上aura-soma學校的website看看呢個月的main theme,發現d星真係輪住逆轉...
"Venus is the planet of valuing our self in relationship to others and the world. She turns retrograde on 27 July 2007 (呢個係英國時間)at 2 degrees 57 minutes Virgo. The message of Bottle 2, The Peace Bottle, blue/blue is to consciously explore the spaces between our thoughts, to find the calm and peace that reigns there. Blue connotes the nurturing of both the male and the female and the peace that may arise from an equal evaluation of doing (male) and being (female)."
"Bottle 57, Pallas Athena, pink/blue to Venus. This bottle is about right livelihood and symbolises that ‘we accept ourselves, that we are aware of our limitations and our potential to overcome obstacles, and that we are wholesome in our understanding of the laws of the material side of life.’ "
"Venus is always retrograde for 40 days mirroring the 40 weeks spent in the womb and the archetypal 40 days spent in the wilderness. Once every 8 years she retrogrades in the same area of the zodiac. Her stationary points (when she gets ready to change direction), plotted around the zodiac draws a five-pointed star. The Venus cycle of 2007 is similar to the one that occurred in 1999. Stay tuned for reminders, echoes and memories of people, places and events of that time….dreams and hopes that were seeded then. The retrograde period of Venus is a time to house-clean your heart."

嗯...."is a time to house-clean your heart",剛巧我開始用b82(green/orange).....真係,睇睇係點!?

金星逆轉呢段日子去到九月初,又剛好在處女座與獅子座之間逆轉,要是這兩個星座對你有"特別意義",到時候覺得"很辛苦"的話,可以試試pomander用olive/green,而quintessence呢,用返Pallas Athena啦~

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係失靈...唉, 我都係去訓好了...