
塔羅分享 -3 of wands

今日收到daily card係呢個:
The Three of Wands card suggests that my power today lies in opportunity. I lay it on the line, take a chance, and look for signs of positive encouragement. I am open to new worlds and am actively patient in expanding my connection, increasing my standing, or waiting for my "ship to come in," but "if I can't get to the party, I will bring the party to me." I am empowered by a sense of responsibility and a readiness to believe and receive and I transform through creative resourcefulness.

1. 上年九月借出去的$3000,借得出去比好朋友,就沒有想過會還,所以他今天還的時候,我覺得自己突然間多了三千蚊
2. 還在"度"這個星期資料分析員的工作日程...居然booking滿滿的,幸好,我留了一天給自己躲起來完成餘下的15個records
3. 買完要買的東西,突然下雨
4. 無啦啦在元朗走入間三聯,買到本叫"天降呆貓"的書,好好笑的!!又居然在沒有看價錢的情況下,買了本stephen king的翻譯書叫"綠色奇蹟"(green mile),我還是相信這是上天給我的閱讀功課
5. 發現煤氣收多了我$70,一打熱線就通,5分鐘內搞掂個問題
6. 寫寫下blog突然斷了broadband條線,又居然,我懂得點樣連番條線...(對電子野白痴的人來說係一個進步)

一切,源自於我發現ex拿了個奬,我在沒有猶豫下給他口訊,衷心的恭喜他;不在於我是否原諒了他,而是我原諒了自己...太好了!!然後收到jup的一封"連鎖信",裡面說的很好,請移玉步去jupiter blog,她把全文post了出來~~
