


很有趣的是,今天精油按摩抽到了lemon,而這個瓶子下層是lemon olive色
讓我好好的"看看"內在的恐懼和喜悅,讓我好好的感受這個coral帶來對grounding的抗拒原由吧 :)

關於鍊金瓶--"The Inner Alchemy Set evolved from the core of Aura-Soma, the Equilibrium bottles. It brought itself to our awareness by changing from the original colours. It seemed that one bottle took over the appearance of another, the next one created its own colour combination, some went pale completely, and others shimmered in warm brilliance. Its arrival confirmed the Aura-Soma view that it is often the bottles with the most intense and visible changes that bring the most important insights. It may be that the Inner Alchemy Set calls to you, to dance with your soul, to meet the shadow that loves you or to be quiet enough to catch a reflection of that energy. If it calls you – use it and be open to the possibility of further changes within the Set."

1 則留言:

Jess 說...

Wah.... 這個好美!