
關於worry & upset(舊網上日誌)

希望對你們有用 ^^

October 28, 2005
worry & upset

很多時候也被問到如何處理擔心和不開心的事情,這次來英國上課時,老師用了一個很好的方法和解釋,為何我們不要worry too much...

worry/ upset about something -----> "processing"
= lossing energy in negative...can do nothing but make the things bigger
physical issue <-----> base to emotional stuff (so, we need to sort it out)
- breath deeper: feel any place in your body feeling okey or not?
- idom: ' the knee are listening' or we can say 'CD in my head'
we have a choice to choose a different CD....top find another thought is better for this time. Something is more positive....Put that CD On!!
it will automatically change the chemisty on our body
Let think about the Toning Fork using in piano or violin. we also get the ability to make that difference quickly. We got many potental, like the equilibrium bottles in Aura-Soma, it is KEY to change chemistry in our body.
Letting go = NOT pulling & NOT pushing, JUST BE PRESENT!!
